Pride Cometh Before the Fall.

I have a copy of “How to Be an Anti-Racist.” I picked it up used, so I wouldn’t be putting dollars directly into Henry Rogers pocket book, just so I could be hip with the various DEI authorities on SFSU campus.

Here are some thoughts on the matter.

How to not define a word, especially one as impactful as Racism.

Using a word, within the definition of the word, when asked by a person is not a definition. Literally, using a word, when asked to define a word requires the use of other words to produce the meaning of the word subject to definition. When giving an example of how to use the word in a sentence, the word is use to contextualize the aforementioned definition provided before.

This is how spelling tests are conducted.

So as the issue unfolds, Ibram Roger’s own web of lies (and embezzlement) implodes upon itself.

As one author of the Washington Post, Tyler Austin Harper, regarded Henry Kendi’s work as schadenfreude.

The prospect of Kendi’s unraveling is not — or at least, is not only — the story of a huckster who was happy to cash in on America’s racial trauma, slapping his name on strange children’s books, including “Antiracist Baby” and “Goodnight Racism,” while raking in hundreds of dollars a minute to give short talks at American universities.

Henry X Rodger’s received something of the order, in donations, 43 million dollars.

$43 million dollars to tell other people, whom he had never met and knew nothing about, that they were all terrible and going to racist hell.

The problem is, as someone raised in the Catholic tradition, threats of being sent to some existential boiling pot in the the ground to be slow-cooked and braised rotisserie style, has zero affect on me. It’s called Catholic Guilt and I am quite immune to the idea of Purchased Indulgences.

In-fact I actively challenged my professors who engaged in open racism. And it terrified them. With wild-wide-eyed-fear they balked at my obstinance when they could not guilt trip me with

Another slice of Harper’s article summarizes the ideas of “How to be an Anti Racist

By reversing the causal flow of racial inequality — insisting that the bad laws come first, the bigoted ideas later — Kendi mounted a frontal assault on the anemic liberal moralizing at the heart of mainstream American race discourse. He set out to dismantle the comforting assumption that racism is a problem of individual mental attitudes — the thoughtcrimes of mustache-twirling scoundrels who live in red states and rural places — and instead emphasized that racism is a systemic problem baked into our public and private institutions.

As Carlos Lozada wrote in The Washington Post at the time, “Stamped” is best understood as a broadside aimed at “the racism of good intentions,” one that declares feel-good, PC liberalism to be politically insufficient and incapable of redressing racial inequality. Kendi doesn’t mince words. “Uplift, persuasion, and education have not eradicated, and will not eradicate racist ideas, let alone racist policies,” he writes. Instead, he counsels progressives to let go of the insistence that the personal is political, to recognize that policy change — not consciousness raising — is the only path toward justice.

While attending SFSU, I had to live in the fall-out of the Electric-Kendi-Acid-Tests.

The following images are screen shots of the former SFSU Division of Graduate Studies. Containing information on their commitment to anti-white supremacy and other forms of commitment to anti-racism.

However, the enforcement of their policies manifested not as anti-white-supremacy but as merely anti-white policies.

Other mouth-pieces of the Old World Order are realizing History Does Repeat Itself and that—maybe, just maybe—Thomas Wolfe was on to something. Jack Dorsey and 10-million-dollar donation  is just another example, proving Radical Chic is still in season for mealy-mouthed il-liberal arm-chair activists.
This grifter was content to offer the sincere suggestion, at the cost of establishing a 43-million-dollar think tank on Boston University’s Campus, of establishing an “Anti-Racist Amendment.

At SF State, I believe I was subjected to a theoretical and experimental design of such a policy. SFSU is, effectively, enacting Identitarian Policies which directly violate the terms of Title VI, Title VII and Title XI. As a recipient of Federal Funding SFSU is bound to affirm and up-hold the statutes as well as not pass nor enforce policies in violation of these obligations to the Federal Government.

For an institutional entity so completely obsessed with social justice and civil rights, SFSU has done an impressive job of violating these rights.

I believe this is part of the DEI fallout and is tied into Henry Rodger’s disgrace, as well as the collapse of BLM leaders such as Patrisse Cullors .