Category: Uncategorized

  • LFG S3E1 — The Burn Out is Real

    I have started Season 3 of LFG and I am just struggling to move my feet. I’ve been trying to push a monumental bolder up a hill. Trying to get the paperwork for LFG filed and Amir just isn’t having it. It’s putting a wet blanket on everything and is really testing my commitment to…

  • We become what we think about (again)

    This is another maintenance post. The purpose being to maintain my focus and keep on a path which threads the needle. One which is the knifes edge fulcrum and on either side is something approximating doom. That’s not to be melodramatic but rather self-aware. On either side is failure, only in the center is the…

  • Pride Cometh Before the Fall.

    I have a copy of “How to Be an Anti-Racist.” I picked it up used, so I wouldn’t be putting dollars directly into Henry Rogers pocket book, just so I could be hip with the various DEI authorities on SFSU campus. Here are some thoughts on the matter. How to not define a word, especially…

  • Tomcat

    There is a rat in this house. One that crawls around, gnawing on everything while shitting everywhere. Across floors, counter-tops and even the crown-molding of cabinets. All the while the terrier-poodle sits blind staring through cataracts at an open window closed off by mosquito netting. There is a rat in this house. One where nothing…

  • The Final Lap

    This is it. Fourteen weeks until graduation. September 11 as I am drafting this. Grinding my way through all of the final burrs, trying to clear these last few hurdles. I went to the Lost to the Void show on Saturday, Voidfest II. It was cool seeing everyone there to celebrate the release of the…

  • The Longway Home

    I’ve been trying to write for the last few weeks. Every time I start an article, I don’t finish it. And as of late, that’s been a theme in my life. As I try to go back and reflect and review my work. My art, my writing, my music. Any of it. All of it.…

  • Hello Duty Call of Kitty

    Hello Duty Call of    

  • The Paranoia of A Madman is His Own Undoing

    “I’d like to tall to you about the strangest secret in the world,” never has there been a more interesting introduction to a radio program. Earl Nightingale first spoke those words (on record at least) in 1959, when the self-help market of literature (which later on became inundated with quacks and con-artists) was still emerging.…

  • Sweeping Out Old Trash By Setting New Goals

    I’ve been following this YouTube influencer, Big Homie, and his recent video about how the false perception of reality (cultivated by the internet) really cuts deep into relationships and overall public discourse. My opinion is that most of the internet, without careful research and review at best provides a fragmented picture of any given situation—this…

  • A Petty Side-Swipe at Passerbyers

    There’s something incredibly personal about resentment. And it’s something I have been struggling with as of late and for some time. Peterson talks a lot about unpacking the past, which we often sandbag ourselves with, by doing so from a stance of acceptance. That is, limit the scope of an argument, review the things that…